What is the current condition
of your mouth?

If you still have your natural teeth,

    choose the description that most closely describes your mouth:

        "Many, or most of my teeth are unhealthy and need to be extracted"
            -Select:  Replace All Teeth

        "Some of my teeth are unhealthy and need to be extracted"

            -Select:  Replace Multiple Teeth

        "I have any unhealthy tooth that needs to be extracted"

            -Select:  Replace a Single Tooth

If you no longer have your natural teeth,

    choose the description that most closely describes your mouth:

        "I've already lost my teeth, and my dentures are uncomfortable"
            -Select:  Replace All Teeth

        "I cannot wear my dentures, and I've been told 
         I do not have enough bone for implants"

            -Select:  Replace All Teeth

        "My permanent bridge failed, and I don't have enough teeth for a new one"

            -If you had a large bridge, Select:  Replace All Teeth

            -If you had a small bridge, Select:  Replace Multiple Teeth 


        "I lost one of my teeth and would like a permanent replacement"
            -Select:  Replace a Single Tooth

Copy of above original text:


(Patients missing all teeth)   Generalized dental disease / problems

        -"Many, or most of my teeth are unhealthy and need to be extracted":  
            -(failing dentition): this category includes people with: 
                    -failing bridgework
                    -generalized advanced bone loss from periodontal disease
                    -generalized root cavities
                    -fractured roots
                    -teeth with failed root canal treatments
            -people in this category have what dentists call "a failing dentition".
            -Select:  Missing All Teeth

        -"I have already lost my teeth, and my dentures are uncomfortable
            -(edentulous patients)
            -Select:  Missing All Teeth

        -"I cannot wear my dentures, and I have been told I do not have enough bone for implants"
            -(patient with minimal bone levels)
            -Select:  Missing All Teeth

        (Patients missing multiple teeth)  Localized dental disease / problems  

        -"My permanent bridge has failed, and I don't have enough (support) teeth (to make / for) a new one"
            -Select:  Missing Multiple Teeth

-"Some of my teeth are unhealthy and need to be extracted":
            this category includes people with:
                    -teeth with advanced bone loss
                    -teeth with very deep cavities
                    -teeth with failed root canal treatment
            -Select:  Missing Multiple Teeth

(Patients missing single teeth)  Isolated dental disease / problems

        -"I lost one of my teeth in an accident"  (avulsed tooth)
            -Select:  Missing Single Teeth

-"I have any unhealthy tooth that needs to be extracted"
            -this category includes people with:
                    -fractured teeth
                    -teeth with failed root canal treatment
                    -teeth with very deep cavities

            -Select:  Missing Single Teeth